100% of Cafe Perla's coffee comes directly from our farmers and the families that produce them.  We know every farmer that we work with, and work to ensure that they are fairly treated and looked after.  To ensure we get the greatest quality, we work in every aspect of the coffee trade from harvest through fermentation and processing, dry milling, storage and transport, export and import, and roasting and serving.  

Our deep involvement on every level allows us to keep our commitment to you, our clients, our farmers and the environment.

Descending over the Andes into a very special region of Peru known for it's outstanding coffee's


  • Harvest, processing, fermentation, dry milling

  • Storage and Transportation 

  • Export and Import 

  • Roasting

One of our smaller farmers operation
At 16,000' crossing over the Andes - in search of the best coffee
Some old fashioned machinery - deep in the jungles
Early morning rise to cross over the Andes to visit some new farms and locations in some very remote parts of the Amazon Basin. Very high-altitude specialty coffee